Apr 29, 2019
With a ton of giddy excitement, I'm welcoming Allie back to the podcast and our conversation goes deep into the difficulties of finding and keeping friends when you're a mom. We put so much of our energy into our homes, our families and our partners, we're often left with a void that is only filled by true, lasting friendships.
Today, Allie is shining a light on how to make friends not only as a mom, but how to do it when you've moved away. Whether you've chosen to pick up and move across the country, a job has relocated you, or the military has brought you to a variety of new places, this episode is a great encouragement to step out of your bubble to find friendships of all kinds with women who are also looking for another adult to call friend.
Want more from this episode? Head over to www.motherlikeaboss.com/podcast/133 for the full show notes and more goodies.
If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.
Thanks for listening!