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The Mother Like a Boss Podcast

May 28, 2020

We're doing something new on the Mother Like a Boss™ podcast! We focus heavily on mindset here, so why not do an incredible roundup each month that includes wins from our students, new shifts that I find are working and a few quick and easy tips you can implement right now to shift your beliefs in motherhood and life.

May 21, 2020

"Just think positive!" We've all heard it. We've all said it. It seems so harmless. It's good advice, right? Right...until it's not.

Positivity is a beautiful thing, but pretending to be positive by neglecting our true feelings is not. Positivity can become a toxic cycle when we're using it to avoid our true feelings...

May 14, 2020

A growth mindset is an open mindset and our children deserve to learn the power of creating abundance and success on their own terms. Growth mindset is the belief that anything is possible and that we are in fact NOT victims of our own circumstances. The earlier children learn the power of their own thoughts, the...

May 10, 2020

Today is your special day, mama.

Here is the US, it's Mother's Day, a day to celebrate the backbone of society and the nurturers of the world. Since we are all about motherhood here, I couldn't let this day pass without a serious pep talk and thank you for the moms of the world.

We also have a special announcement about...

May 7, 2020

Fun fact: I LOVE to journal and I love to tell moms about the power of journaling, but I know that the word isn't always well received. Why? Because there are myths galore around what journaling is and why it's so important to a mindful life.

So how can we make journaling a simple, approachable task? Today's episode is...