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The Mother Like a Boss Podcast

Feb 27, 2020

Are you a loyal meditator or does the thought of starting a meditation practice scare you a little bit? Meditation is one of the most misunderstood practices out there that, when finally understood, can change your life. It has given me so much power and peace in my mom life that I want to share with my listeners....

Feb 24, 2020

We're doing something new on the Mother Like a Boss™ podcast! We focus heavily on mindset here, so why not do an incredible roundup each month that includes wins from our students, new shifts that I find are working and a few quick and easy tips you can implement right now to shift your beliefs in motherhood and life.

Feb 20, 2020

Moms are nurturers by nature and nothing feels more nurturing than providing our kids with happy lives. However, in my never-ending quest in the self-development world, I've realized that fostering happiness is not the same as constantly trying to force happiness onto my children.

We are not responsible for the emotions...

Feb 13, 2020

Remember the days when you didn't know everyone's opinion about everything and they didn't know your opinion about everything either? The good old days. Opinions are great because they make us all different, but being sanctimonious in the way we show up with those opinions can be damaging to the confidence level of us...

Feb 6, 2020

Times may be changing, but homemaking is still important. Why? Because your home is more than the cleaning, the cooking, the momming. A home is what happens inside and outside the walls, separate from the material world. Our homes are intangible, a feeling more than anything. That never stops being important.

So what...